■ Best Presentation Awardを受賞して
Best Presentation Awardを受賞して
大学院工学府機械知能工学専攻D3 デディ スルヤディ

2014年10月10日から11日まで熊本大学で開催されたアジア会議(the 4th Asian Conference on Engineering Education)に参加しました.この会議では,アジアの教師・学生・エンジニアなど約130人の参加者(中国,韓国,インドネシア,ミャンマー,日本)が工学に関する新しい研究の共有行いました。プレゼンテーションには口頭セッションとポスターセッションがありました。
First, I want to introduce myself. I am from a beautiful city of Sumatera, Indonesia, which is famous for culinary and attractive landscapes. I became a lecturer at Bengkulu University, Indonesia from 2003, and was promoted as an associate professor in 2011. Now, I am pursuing Ph.D. degree at Kyushu Institute of Technology to improve my knowledge on elasticity under supervise Prof. Nao-Aki Noda.I attended the 4th Asian Conference on Engineering Education (ACEE 2014), which was held on 10-11 October 2014 at Kumamoto University. This conference facilitated teachers, students and engineers in Asian region to interact and share their new research on engineering education. Around 130 participants attended this conference from several Asian countries, such as China, Korea, Indonesia, Myanmar, and of course from Japan. The presentations were divided into two sessions, namely oral session and poster session.
図1は負荷条件をつけたローラーを示しています.ローラーの全長は3800mmで直径は300mmであり,W=30N/ mmの分布荷重を受けます.セラミックスと鋼の熱膨張率の違いを考慮すると、適切な結合方法は接合強度の観点から行います.
The Presentation Topic
Ceramics is a useful material, which can be used as a roller at high temperature because of its high heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance. However, the brittleness of the ceramics restricts the machine design of structures, and therefore the ceramics have to be joined frequently to metals. In this study, appropriate joint selection is considered for ceramics rollers used at high temperature. The roller consists of ceramics sleeve and steel shaft, which is subjected to both distributed load and thermal load. Joint selection is very important for ceramics roller to realize its full potential.
Figure 1 shows the dimensions of the roller with loading conditions. It is seen that the total length of the roller is 3800mm and the outer diameter is 300mm. Here, the roller is subjected to distributed load of w=30N/mm as shown in Fig. 2. The roller is simply supported at both ends. Considering thermal expansion mismatch between ceramics and steel, the appropriate joint method is considered in terms of joint strength.
In this study ceramics/metal joints are considered for the roller used in the heating furnace whose temperature is 1200oC. To understand the most suitable mechanical design, joint selections are considered under room temperature and high temperature. Here, three type joint methods are investigated, namely, the adhesive bonding shown in Model 1, metal bonding in Model 2, and shrink fitting in Model 3. For Model 1 and Model 2, interlayer materials are necessary to be considered to bond ceramics sleeve and steel shaft. The interlayer material used for Model 1 is epoxy, and the one for Model 2 is BA03/WC. For Model 3, ceramics sleeve and steel shaft are connected by shrink fitting. All simulations are performed by Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis.
As a result, it is found that all joint methods can be applied to the ceramics roller used under room temperature. However, under high temperature, only the shrink fitting in Model 3 can be the appropriate joint for hearth roller (see Fig.3).
私は会議の初日に「高温で使用セラミックローラー用セラミックス/鉄鋼共同セレクション」と題した研究を発表しました。私の発表の 後に二つの質問がありました。解析結果の実験的確認と、将来の使用方法についてでした。それらの質問にも正しく答えることができたと思い ます。セッションの後、多くの反響を受けとても感動しました。また,他の参加者によるプレゼンテーションも楽しむことができました。夜に は、アジア会議に参加されているかた達とアイデアを交換しあう良い機会がありました。アジア地域の多くの国から来た多くの観客や発表者と 話すことができ,この会議は私に素晴らしい経験を与えてくれました。
会議の最終日は、ラボツアーに参加しました。1908年に建設された工学工場の博物館を見学でき,様々な機械や工具を見ることができました。 最後に会議では,魅力的な研究を発表した人たちに表彰がおこなわれました。そこで私は最高のプレゼンテーションを行った10人に渡される賞 を受賞することができました。この賞を受賞したことで,自信をもつことができとても幸せでした。また,次の会議にむけて私を鼓舞してくれ ました。
在第一天的会议中我作了题为‘高温环境下陶瓷轧辊用陶瓷-金属接合方式的选择’的报告。报告时我尽力将我的研究结果展示给参会人员。 在随后的提问环节,被问到关于实验结果与解析的验证和该成果未来的实际应用。我想正确地回答这两个问题并且会后收到的反馈也让我很高兴。 其他人的报告也让我受益匪浅。当天晚上,会议举办方还组织了烧烤为参会人员提供了一次良好的交流机会。我遇到了很多国家的参会者并与他们 有很好的交谈,会议经历让我难以忘怀。在会议的最后一天,我们兴致勃勃地参观了实验室。我们参观了修建与1908年用作于机械车间的工程学博 物馆,令人惊奇的是它至今仍能正常工作。会议最后,给10名最有吸引力的报告者颁发最佳报告奖,我很幸运地被选作其中之一。我很高兴能够获 奖并使我更加自信。同时,此次获奖也是一种激励鞭策自己要更努力地研究为下次会议做准备。
Experience of Society in the Conference
I presented my research entitled “Ceramics/steel joint selection for the ceramics roller used at high temperature” on the first day in oral presentation. I tried doing my best to deliver my research in front of audiences. There were two questions after my presentation. They were about the experimental confirmation of the results and the future use of this conclusion. I think I could answer the question correctly. I was excited receiving many responses after the session. I have enjoyed other presentations by other participants. At the night, we had banquet providing a good opportunity to meet, interact and change ideas to other participants on mechanical engineering education. I met many audiences and speakers which came from many countries around Asian region. This conference gave me the fabulous experiences.
The last day of the conference, I enjoyed joining in lab tour. We visited Museum of the Engineering Faculty constructed in 1908 as a machine shop. The exhibits include various machines and tools, which are still in working condition. Finally, the conference is ended by giving some awards to those who had attractively presented research. Luckily, I am one of the 10 students who were selected as the best presentation. I was very happy to recognize my confidence because of success receiving an award. It stimulated me to conduct research more for next conferences.
I would like to say a big thank to Meisankai scholarship who has supported me in financial. Besides, I also want to say thanks sincerely to my supervisor Prof. Nao-Aki Noda and collaborator Dr. Yoshikazu Sano who have helped me to get the best results in my research. Many thanks are also directed to Dr. Takase dan members of Noda Laboratory for the cooperation.
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