

Experience through two international conferences

工学府機械知能工学専攻M2 大塚駿

    2013年8月29~31日にSecond International Symposium on Engineering Mechanics and Its Applications (EMA-KIT) が九州工業大学で開催されました。私はこの国際会議において主催側のボランティアとして参加し、会議運営の一部に携わりました。
  また、2013年11月8~11日には中国杭州にある浙江大学で2013 Joint-Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures (JSMAMS) が開催され、私も修士論文の研究について口頭発表を行いました。

  2013年8月29~31日,在九州工业大学举办的Second International Symposium on Engineering Mechanics and Its Applications (EMA-KIT)。我作为国际会议主办方的志愿者和会议的策划人员积极参加了本次会议。
  此外,2013年11月8~11日,在中国杭州的浙江大学举办的2013 Joint-Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures (JSMAMS)中,我发表了我硕士阶段的研究成果。

Second International Symposium on Engineering Mechanics and Its Applications (EMA-KIT) was held on August 29-31, 2013 at Kyushu Institute of Technology. At this international conference, I participated as a volunteer of the host side of this symposium and was involved in part of the conference management.
  Besides that, 2013 Joint-Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures (JSMAMS) was held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China on November 8-11, 2013, and I also made a verbal presentation on my master's thesis research.

  九州工業大学で開催されたEMA-KITでは、参加大学として国内外の 大学 (山東大学・中国石油大学・中国農業大学・河南科技大学・大連理工大学・国立台湾海洋大学・国立成功大学・群山大学・Ghent University・Bengkulu University・有明工業高等専門学校・大分大学・琉球大学・九州工業大学) から教員及び博士後期課程大学院生が参加し、機械工学とその応用に関する最新の研究についての学術講演会と研究室等の見学会ならびに懇親会が催されました。

  在九州工业大学举办的EMA-KIT,来自国内外各个大学(山东大学,中国石油大学,中国农业大学,河南科技大学,大连理工大学,国立台湾海洋大学,国立成功大学,群山大学,Ghent University,Bengkulu University,有明工业高等专门学校,大分大学,琉球大学,九州工业大学)的教授以及博士就自己在机械工学方面最新的研究成果作了学术演讲,随后参观了本校的研究室和本校的师生进行了交流。

About the International Symposium at Kyushu Institute of Technology
  At the EMA-KIT held at Kyushu Institute of Technology, both faculty members and doctoral course graduate students from the participating domestic and foreign universities (Shandong University, China University of Petroleum, China Agricultural University , Henan University of Technology ,Dalian University of Technology, National Taiwan Ocean University, National Success University ,Gunsan University , Ghent University, Bengkulu University, Ariake College of Technology, Oita University, University of the Ryukyus, Kyushu Institute of Technology) participated in academic lectures on the latest research on mechanical engineering and its applications. A tour of the research laboratory and a social gathering were held too.
  At this international conference, I helped with the announcement website update and also accompanied the welcome tour . During the tour, we gave the students from China and Taiwan a lift in the car that we prepared to enjoy the nature of Kumamoto Castle and Aso. Also, on the third night in Kumamoto, some teachers from overseas joined us and had a barbecue together. At the barbecue, we enjoyed songs from Chinese and Hong Kong students to express their gratitude and dances by Japanese students, our friendship was deepened in the process. The five students from China and Taiwan who spent four days together were all doctoral students and were around 28 years old, so I had a very different impression from what I get from Japanese students.
  In this tour, guidance and communication had to be conducted in English, and I had a really hard time , but even with broken English, I was able to have conversations by exchanging words and gestures so that we could understand each other easily.

  中国杭州の浙江大学で開催された2013 JSMAMSでは、日本からは東京大学、東京工業大学、国立中央大学、大阪大学、九州大学、島根大学や他大学の 以上の教員及び博士後期課程大学院生が参加し、高度な多機能材料や構造物の力学に関する最新の研究についての学術講演会ならびに中国と日本の研究者の懇親会が行われました。本会議では通常の国際会議で必要な登録料が無料となり、3日間の会議中における食事代やツアーも無料で中国側から大変親切なおもてなしを受けました。



About research presentation in China
  At the 2013 JSMAMS held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, faculty members and doctoral course graduate students from University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, National Central University, Osaka University, Kyushu University, Shimane University and other universities participated in the event. An academic lecture on the latest research on advanced multi-functional materials and mechanics of structures and a social gathering between Chinese and Japanese researchers were also held. The registration fee required for this conference was free, and the meals and tours during the 3-day conference were also free of charge and we received kind hospitality from the Chinese.
  I participated in this international conference and gave an oral presentation on my master's thesis research. My research aims to clarify strain rate concentration in high speed tensile test of polycarbonate using FEM analysis. The high-speed tensile test is a relatively new experiment method and is currently actively conducted by polymer-based material manufacturers. While polymer-based structural materials such as polycarbonate are resistant to impact, they are viscoelastic materials whose characteristics are easily influenced by factors such as temperature and strain rate. In this research, the relationship between notched specimen shape, tensile rate and strain rate concentration of notch bottom was clarified, and a new strain rate concentration factor was defined. According to this definition, it is possible to estimate what strain rate the notch material is subjected to in a high-speed tensile test, and to clarify how much the impact characteristics of the polymer material are affected by the strain rate.
  It was my first time going overseas, but being able to make a presentation in English in front of so many talented researchers was a great encouragement for me. The presentation itself was able to proceed without major problems as I had been practicing English presentation in the Language Lounge of Kyushu Institute of Technology. However, at the question and answer session, I could not answer on the spot since I was not able to properly understand the English questions asked by teachers from University of Tokyo and Taiwan. When I returned to my seat after finishing the presentation, I was able to calmly think back about the questions that were asked, and I realized that I might have been able to answer a bit more if I could relax. This is the only regret I have left in this research presentation. However, at the social gathering that was held for three days, I had an opportunity to directly answer questions that could not be answered before, and I was able to discuss with the professors about the viscoelastic analysis and dynamic analysis methods. Besides that, I also received questions from other people, and I was relieved that what I wanted to express in my English presentation was able to be understood.



  On the night of the third day of the conference, we watched a show called "The Romance of the Song Dynasty". It was a large-scale, lustrous dance performance with a historical motif. I did not know the lyrics and the line because it is in Chinese, but I was told by one of the Chinese foreign student of Kyushu Institute of Technology that one of the motifs , which is "White Serpent Story", is a famous love story in China.
  Besides that, there was a one-day tour on the 4th day where I visited an ancient capital named Wuzhen.Wuzhen is a redeveloped old town that has been remodeled as a tourist destination. It was characterized by old wooden houses and water channels with wooden boats floating on them. According to the student of local University of Zhejiang who acts as a guide of the tour, there are still people who actually live there, and they were called “Family that sleeps with water as pillow”. There were a lot of souvenir shops that were built in those old wooden houses. A Japanese teacher who participated in the tour was fluent in Chinese and enjoyed shopping while negotiating for discounts. There is a memorial hall of the famous Chinese writer, “茅盾” built in Wuzhen, and it seems that the writer spent his childhood in this town. There are many tourists nowadays, and although the town is maintained as a tourist spot, it was possible to imagine from the scenery the quiet and captivating state of the days when “茅盾” spent his childhood.



  First of all, I would like to thank Professor Noda and Professor Sano for giving me valuable guidance and opportunities for my research presentation in China. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to Meisenkai for giving me such a valuable opportunity by helping with expenses such as transport fees to China. I would like to express my gratitude to all the people I met and helped me at the two international conferences.