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Irreversible interfacial slip in shrink-fitted bimetallic work roll promoted by roll deformation(2021-8・Engineering Failure Analysis,126巻,105465(1-13)) (野田尚昭,Rahimah Abdul Rafar, 酒井悠正,鄭旭辰, 鶴丸寛幸, 佐野義一,高瀬康) |
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Conditions for notch strength to be higher than static tensile strength in high–strength ductile cast iron(2019・Engineering Fracture Mechanics,206巻,(75-88)) (池田朋弘,野田尚昭, 佐野義一) |
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焼嵌め式ローラにおける軸の抜け出し駆動力に及ぼす設計要因の影響(2019-11・設計工学,54巻11号,(745-756)) (野田尚昭,張国偉, 酒井悠正,佐野義一) |
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溶接継手を球状黒鉛鋳鉄継手で置換することによる疲労強度の強化(2019-6・鉄と鋼,105巻6号,(619-628)) (日高哲郎,野田尚昭,佐野義一,甲斐信博,藤本宏義) |
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スリーブ組立式圧延ロールの焼嵌め面に生じる界面クリープの数値シミュレーション(2019-4・鉄と鋼,105巻4号,(411-417)) (酒井悠正,野田尚昭,佐野義一,張国偉,高瀬康) |
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繊維の引抜きにおける特異応力場の強さの解析(2018-12・材料,67巻12号,(1073-1079)) (野田尚昭,陳棟,高木怜,井上紅音,張国偉,佐野義一) |
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Effect of pitch difference between the bolt–nut connections upon the anti-loosening performance and fatigue life(2016・Materials and Design,96巻,(476-489)) (野田尚昭,陳鑫,佐野義一,Magd Abdel Wahab, 丸山光,藤沢良太,高瀬康) |
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Strain rate concentration and dynamic stress concentration for double-edge-notched specimens subjected to high-speed tensile loads(2015・Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct,38巻,(125-138)) (野田尚昭,大塚駿,鄭旭辰,佐野義一,安藤誠人,篠崎貴宏,管文海) |
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Failure analysis for coming out of shaft from shrink-fitted ceramic sleeve(2015・Engineering Failure Analysis,57巻,(219-235)) (野田尚昭,Dedi Suryadi,熊崎誠一,佐野義一,高瀬康) |
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Stress intensity factors for an edge interface crack in a bonded semi-infinite plate for arbitrary material combination(2012・International Journal of Solids and Structures,49巻,(1241-1251)) (野田尚昭,蘭欣) |
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かしめ部の寸法がブレーキホースのシール性に及ぼす影響(2011-10・日本機械学会論文集,A編,77巻782号,(1828-1838)) (野田尚昭,金俸基, 大田健人,川原啓史, 篠崎貴宏) |
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焼嵌めで構成されたセラミックス製スリーブの焼外し過程における熱応力の検討 (2011-10・日本機械学会論文集,A編,77巻782号,(1645-1654)) (栗文彬,酒井悠正,原田正太,高瀬康,野田尚昭,佐野義一) |
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任意の材料組合せに対する縁界面き裂を有する接合有限板の引張りにおける応力拡大係数(2011-8・材料,第60巻第8号,(748-755)) (蘭欣,道中健吾,張玉,野田尚昭) |
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巻きコア方式で製作されるスリットを有するモータコアの見かけのヤング率 (2011-3・自動車技術会論文集, 42巻2号,577-583)) (野田尚昭,高瀬康,高田久貴,張彪) |
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Stress Intensity Factors of a Central Interface Crack in a Bonded Finite Plate and Periodic Interface Cracks under Arbitrary Material Combinations(2011-3・Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.78 No.6, (1218-1232))(張玉,野田尚昭, 高石健太郎,蘭欣) |
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Analysis of Separation Conditions for Shrink Fitting System Used for Ceramics Conveying Rollers(2011-1・Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.5 No.1, (14-21))(栗文彬, 野田尚昭, 酒井悠正, 高瀬康) |
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任意の材料組合を考慮した縁界面き裂を有する接合半無限板の応力拡大係数) (2010-10・日本機械学会論文集,A編,76巻770号,(1270-1277)) (野田尚昭, 蘭欣, 道中健吾, 張玉, 小田和弘) |
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Effect of Adhesive Thickness on the Intensity of Singular Stress at the Adhesive Dissimilar Joint(2010-10・Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.4 No.10, (1467-1479))(張玉, 野田尚昭,高石健太郎, 蘭欣) |
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Thermal Stress and Heat Transfer Coefficient for Ceramics Stalk Having Protuberance Dipping into Molten Metal(2010-8・Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.4 No.8, (1198-1213))(野田尚昭, Hendra, 栗文彬, 高瀬康, 小倉弘樹, 東佑亮) |
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Stress Intensity Factors of an Interface Crack in a Bonded Plate under Uni-Axial Tension(2010-7・Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.4 No.7, (974-987))(野田尚昭, 張玉, 蘭欣, 高瀬康, 小田和弘) |
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ヒトの歯に生じたくさび状欠損修復後の咬合により生じる特異応力場の強さ (コンポジットレジンの剛性の影響) (2009-9・日本機械学会論文集,A編,75巻757号,(1209-1216)) (野田尚昭,陳克恭,田島清司,高瀬康,山口恭輔,永野裕之) |
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Predicting Locations of Defects in the Solidification Process for Large-Scale Cast Steel(2009-2・Journal of Computational Science and Technology, Vol.3 No.1, (242-251))(野田尚昭,江川秀二,田代康則,竹ノ内宏司) |
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自動車用ブレーキホースかしめ部シール性に関するFEM解析とその寿命予測(2008-12・日本機械学会論文集,A編,74巻748号,(1538-1543)) (野田尚昭,吉村慎平,川原啓史, 露成正一) |
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搬送用ローラーにおけるセラミックス製スリーブの焼嵌め接合部に生じる最大応力について(2008-7・日本機械学会論文集,A編,74巻743号,(919-925)) (露成正一,野田尚昭, Hendra,高瀬康) |
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緩み止め植え込みボルトにおける薄肉変形部の最適寸法について(2008-7・日本機械学会論文集,A編,74巻743号,(954-960)) (肖陽,久原昌宏,野田尚昭,斉藤金次郎,名川政人,湯本淳) |
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Thermal Stress for All-Ceramics Rolls Used in Molten Metal to Produce Stable High Quality Galvanized Steel Sheets, (2008-1・Engineering Failure Analysis , Vol.15 No.4, (261-274)) (野田尚昭, 山田真裕, 佐野義一, 杉山茂禎, 小林正一) |
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Finite-Part Integral and Boundary Element Method to Three-Dimensional Crack Problems in Piezoelectric Materials (2007-7・International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.44, No.14-15, (4770-4783)) (秦太験,Y.S.YU,野田尚昭) |
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Intensity of Singular Stress Fields Causing Interfacial Debonding at the End of Fiber under Pull-Out Force and Transverse Tension (2007-6 ・International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 44, No.13, (4472-4491) (野田尚昭,白尾亮司,李俊,杉本淳典) |
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Stress Concentration Formula Useful for All Notch Shape in a Round Bar (Comparison between Torsion, Tension and Bending)(2006-1・International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.28,No.2, (151-163))(野田尚昭,高瀬康) |
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Intensity of Singular Stress Fields at the End of a Cylindrical Inclusion(2003-7・ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.70, No.4, (487-495)) (野田尚昭,現海孝雄,王清) |